
Yannick Paul Cueva

Hong Kong

born in

Byon, France

Tapster at

The Globe

I’m the first Tapster in Hong Kong. This is an honour. To say that you are a Tapster and no one else. When people often ask me what is a Tapster, it gives me a chance to explain the brand and the beer. I want instill my passion into other people. It’s not about me being a Tapster but about them becoming interested in the brand. Pilsner Urquell is a special beer and it should be treated like that, from the bar people to the consumers. I want it to be like Guinness. Everyone knows how to pour a Guinness but no one knows how to pour a Pilsner Urquell. I’d like to make a Tapster hour in the bar where people can ask questions and learn more about the pours.

If you were a beer, what beer would you be?

Either a Sour beer or a Saison. It isn’t everyone’s choice. It’s an acquired taste. Not too sour, mind you. I’m not a bitter person. A nice funky Saison, that’s what I am.

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