Picking the
Saaz Hops
Journey to where our beer begins
Beer lovers from around the world prize Saaz hops for their unique aroma and flavour. These special hops only grow in Žatec, the Czech Republic. Every August we harvest them to brew Pislner Urquell.
Tapsters discover our noble beginnings
Every year Tapsters come from around the world to help pick Saaz hops, which are known as 'noble hops' because of their special history. These are the stories behind the harvest.
Hoppy stories
Harvesting Saaz hops by hand
For our Tapsters, picking Saaz hops is an unforgettable learning experience. See what it's like to play a role in brewing the world's first golden lager.
United by a passion for great beer
Every August, our Tapsters come from around the world to a tiny town in western Bohemia to toil in the hops fields. Why? Because one thing connects them all — their passion for beer that's carefully brewed and perfectly poured.