You might have noticed that we pour Pilsner Urquell three different ways. The Hladinka, Šnyt, and Mlíko all have a different flavour from a different amount of golden lager and dense, wet foam.
The Hladinka is the standard Pilsner Urquell pour, with three fingers of foam on top of the golden lager. That thick head of dense, wet foam gives the beer a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness while sealing in freshness and flavour. Crisp, refreshing and delicately bitter, the Hladinka pairs perfectly with rich foods like duck.
The Šnyt, pronounced ‘shnit’, has two parts beer, three parts foam and one part empty space at the top of the glass. It’s not as filling as a large beer, but more refreshing than a small beer. If you’re eating hearty food like goulash or a burger, order a Šnyt.
The creamy Mlíko brings out the rich aromas of the Saaz hops and the sweetness of our malt. It’s a glass full of wet foam with just a bit of beer at the bottom. The Mlíko tastes best with dessert.
The foam really does affect the beer’s flavour. Tapsters created the Hladinka, Šnyt, and Mlíko for different foods and different beer lovers. Which Pilsner Urquell pour is your favourite?